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The FEBS Journal Words of Advice series – now available to download!

Friday, 04 August 2023 09:32

The FEBS Journal is pleased to present a collection of the best Words of Advice articles published since the launch of the series to date. The articles have been compiled into a booklet that is free to download and share.

The FEBS Journal Words of Advice article series features pieces that are written by experienced scientists and are aimed towards early career researchers, to offer advice coming from personal experience, on issues that are typically only learned through trial and error.

In this book of highlights, we present articles that cover the following topics: ‘How to write a scientific paper’ [1], ‘Avoiding common pitfalls of figure and manuscript preparation’ [2], ‘How to write a good scientific review article’ [3], ‘How to design an outstanding poster’ [4], ‘How to prepare and deliver a great talk’ [5], ‘Choosing the right lab for your post-doctoral fellowship’ [6], ‘How to build a well-rounded CV and get hired after your PhD’ [7], and, finally, ‘How to be a good peer reviewer of scientific manuscripts’ [8].

We hope that our readers, particularly the early career scientists amongst you, will enjoy and gain useful tips and knowledge from these articles. We also encourage you to check out the introduction to the content by our Editor-in-Chief, Seamus Martin, included within the collection [9].


Published in Allgemeine News